About The Book

By emphasizing balance and structure, the Dailey Inner Core Workout’s holistic approach to personal health teaches readers how to care for and strengthen their entire bodies. Learn the ingredients for good health, then begin training with detailed, illustrated lesson plans. Dailey’s method not only improves strength and posture but also helps to regulate body weight, increase flexibility, and can even reduce joint pain. In Dailey Strengthening, you’ll find more than an exercise plan. You’ll find the ingredients for a healthier body, a healthier mind, and a healthier life.

"Dailey Strengthening has improved my posture, balance, standing, and walking, and it eased my challenge of living with MS. If you question whether an inner body workout can change your life, suspend your disbelief long enough to try it. Watch as miracles begin to happen. Change your mind, change your body, and ultimately, you will change your attitude and how you react to life. Thank you, Alice Ann! It is a must-read and a workout for anyone wanting wellness from the inside out."
Jackie Waldman
Author of The Courage to Give series

"On paper, I am an eighty-eight-year-old woman with severe scoliosis. After practicing Dailey Strengthening with Alice Ann, people now look at me and ask, 'What are you doing? You look so young! Your posture is amazing!' Today, I am an eighty-eight-year-young woman with energy and a zest for life. Alice Ann's work is life changing. Her methods for attaining correct posture and correct methods for standing and walking have increased my body awareness, my balance, and my overall well-being. I recommend her book to all wanting to experience, as Alice Ann says, 'mind over matter and matter minds!'"
Sarah Yarrin
Student, Oasis Mind-Body Conditioning Center

"This amazing body of work has taken Alice Ann years to gather, experience, and teach. No matter what body type you are or what you want to change, you'll find your answers in Dailey Strengthening. It is a true blessing for all of us."
Roberta Reinecke
Instructor of Physio-Synthesis

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© 2015 Alice Ann Dailey